Leadership & Executive Coaching

Leadership & Executive Coaching

The world is becoming increasingly challenging, yet the opportunities for individuals to have an impact on their organization and our global communities are very exciting.  Being prepared to take advantage of both of these facets requires a different method of learning, development and action…coaching.

Coaching is a proven development process incorporating both science and art.  It includes time to pause and focus, to be challenged and to make lasting shifts in learning.  Ultimately, it enables significant growth and extraordinary results.  Coaching facilitates the execution of potential.

The process includes; Assessment (psychometric and/or 360 feedback), self awareness of strengths, over-strengths and developmental areas, contextual perspective setting, action learning and measurement to validate results.

Coaching enables employee engagement, retention and creates business results.

Possible focus areas for coaching include:

  • Leadership
  • Executive presence
  • Increasing Strategic capability
  • Influencing productivity, operations and execution
  • Managing Politics
  • Strengthening Relationship skills
  • Communication
  • People Leadership gaps or challenges
  • Managing over-strengths
  • Closing development gaps
  • Career Management
  • Navigating a new role, scope or organization
  • High Potential development


After coaching, managers do a much better job at resolving a situation in a way that creates fewer problems for themselves, their employees and the organization

Francoise Morissette, Queen’s University Industrial Relations Centre. HRD Magazine; 2017 Issue 4.4

Ready to Take the Next Step?

You’ve got the potential—now it’s time to unlock it. Take the next step towards clarity, growth, and success by booking your personalized assessment debrief session. Our expert coaches are here to guide you every step of the way.